Topics and Sessions
1. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health42
. Marriage, Family, Households, and Unions32
. Children and Youth21
. Health and Mortality40
. Race, Ethnicity, and Gender10
. Migration and Urbanization23
. Economy, Labor Force, Education, and Inequality15
. Population, Development, and Environment10
. Population and Aging8
. Data and Methods8
. Applied Demography7
. Poster Sessions7
1. Low Fertility in Developed and Developing Countries
8. Gender and Reproductive Health
9. Sexual and Romantic Relationships
16. Contextual and Policy Influences on Reproductive Health and Fertility
23. Fertility Transition in Africa
27. Sexual Behavior and STIs
35. Survey Measures of Empowerment and Reproductive Outcomes
41. Dating and Adolescent Sexual Activity
43. Economics of Fertility
47. Determinants of Fertility in Asia
48. Implications of Fertility on Socioeconomic and Health Outcomes in Africa
62. Advances in Measures and Models of Sexual Behavior
66. Partners and Childbearing
69. Abortion
75. Assessing the Impact of Contraception and Family Planning
81. Fertility Timing: Europe and South America
89. Disparities in Reproductive Health and Fertility
93. Obstacles to Contraceptive Use
99. Fertility Intentions and Behaviors over the Life Course
102. Fertility Research in a Comparative Perspective
108. Abortion in the Context of Legalization
112. Contraceptive Use in the United States
113. Reproductive Health Policies and Programs in Africa
117. Fertility Timing
141. Family Planning and Reproductive Health in the Asian Context
142. Comparative Perspectives on Fertility and Sexual Behavior
143. Fertility and Crisis
147. Partners and Contraceptive Use
153. Mate Selection in Sexual and Romantic Relationships
155. Emerging Patterns in Contraceptive Use in Africa
161. HIV Risk, Prevention, and Consequences
168. Findings from Contraceptive History Calendars
173. Fertility Attitudes and Intentions in Low-Fertility Societies
176. Perspectives on Fertility in Asia
181. Fertility Intentions
190. Male Participation in Reproductive Health
193. Men, Couples, and Contraceptive Use
197. HIV/AIDS, Marriage, and Fertility
206. Factors Affecting Uptake of Contraception
212. The Effects of Government Policies on Fertility
214. Advances in Measures and Models of Fertility and Sexual Behavior
216. Attitudes and Demography
2. Men’s Roles in Families and Relationships
5. The Impact of Economic Recession on Family Behavior
11. Family Change and Continuity
21. Union Formation: Developing Countries
22. International Perspectives on Intergenerational Relationships
25. Family Formation in Comparative-Historical Perspective
39. Union Formation in Developed Countries
56. Non-Marital and Diverse Family Forms
61. Public Policy and Families Around the World
74. Families and Well-Being among Older Adults
79. European Families and Well-Being
82. Same-Sex Partnerships
87. Non-Standard Work Schedules and Family
101. Economics, Families, and Well-Being
106. Family Formation and Dissolution in the Contemporary United States
114. Public Policy and Families
123. Families and Health and Nutrition
125. Incarceration and Demographic Implications
127. Families in U.S. and Mexico: A Comparative Perspective with a Public Policy Approach
129. Transitions from Cohabitation to Marriage
131. Family Instability
137. Social Support and Family Well-Being
145. Families and Well-Being
157. Interaction of Economic and Family Processes
171. Families in International Perspective
175. Work and Health
183. Work and Family
187. Public Policy and Families in Developing Countries
192. Assortative Mating in Developed Countries
199. Family and Union Instability in the U.S.
203. Gender Roles and Children's Well-Being
205. Intergenerational Relations
12. The Demography of Young Adulthood in the United States
28. Economic Downturns and Children's Outcomes
30. Overweight and Obesity in Children and Youth
45. Economic Circumstances, Child Health, and Well-Being
50. Genes, Biology, and Children
64. Parental Influences on Childhood Obesity
70. Child and Family Policy
80. Sexual Risk Behaviors and Outcomes in Developing Nations
85. Food, Nutrition, and Child Well-Being
103. The Neighborhood Context of Child Obesity
105. Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Risk Taking
115. Transition to Adulthood in the Developing World
119. Gender Roles, Household Labor, and Parenting
133. Parental Time Use and Parenting
149. New Evidence on School Reforms and Child Outcomes
154. Environmental Influences on Child Health
166. Family Structure, Timing, and Child Well-being
170. Contextual and Environmental Influences on Children’s Health and Well-Being
184. Family Structure and Child Well-Being
195. Child Health Inequalities
215. Race, Ethnicity, Immigration and Children
6. Biodemographic Influences on Health and Mortality I
10. HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
15. Neighborhood and Contextual Influences on Health
24. Demography of Mental Health
26. Differentials in Late-Life Health
31. Migration, Residential Mobility, and Population Health
46. Family Planning and Maternal and Child Mortality in Developing Countries
49. Place Effects on Mortality
52. Frontiers in Mortality Measures and Forecasts
60. Health and Mortality in Developing Countries
63. Fatal and Non-Fatal Health Outcomes: Comparing Expected Length and Quality of Life by Gender, Race, and National Origin
67. Health Behaviors, Health, and Mortality I
71. Understanding HIV Risk and HIV Prevalence
77. Longevity and Life Expectancy
78. Trends and Trajectories in Health and Disability
88. Maternal, Infant, and Child Mortality in Developing Countries
96. Child Health
97. Health Behaviors, Health, and Mortality II
98. Race, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Health and Mortality
109. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
116. Experimental Studies of Human Mortality
126. HIV and STD in Migrant-Sending Communities
132. Causes and Measurement of Mortality
135. Biodemographic Influences on Health and Mortality II
138. Health Insurance, Health Care, and Health
140. Patterns and Determinants of Health and Mortality in the Developing World
150. Socioeconomic Status, Health, and Mortality
162. Methodological Issues in the Study of Health and Mortality
169. Adult Mortality II: Behaviors and Diseases
178. Socioeconomic Status and Health - Cross-National Research
179. Economic and Social Factors in HIV Prevalence and Mortality
180. Residential Segregation and Health
185. Social Change and Population Health
186. Life Course Approaches to Health and Mortality
188. Education and Health Behaviors
189. Adult Mortality I
202. Infant Health and Mortality in the United States
208. Economic Contractions and Health Behaviors
209. Family Influences on Health and Mortality
213. Modelling Health and Disability
20. Concentrated Disadvantage: Racial and Ethnic Variation
37. Asian Americans and Asian Canadians: A Minority Success Story?
68. Rethinking Racial Distinctions: Mixed Race Populations, Identity, and Measurement
110. Domestic Violence: Causes and Consequences
128. Demography with a Gender Lens
146. Gender-Based Violence
165. Reciprocal Dynamics Between Gender and Demographic Processes
194. Female Empowerment: Measurement
196. Ethnoracial Diversity and Change
207. Ethnicity, Pan-Ethnicity, and Race
3. International Migration
4. Reconceptualizing Neighborhood Contexts: Measuring Contexts and Processes
29. Urbanization
32. The Impacts of Migration on Family Dynamics and Child Well-Being
38. Residential Segregation
51. Immigration and Integration in the Workplace and Housing
59. Economic Change and Migration: International Perspectives
72. Spatial Diversity of Ethnoracial Populations
73. Immigration and Assimilation
91. Author-Meets-Critic: Robert J. Sampson and Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect
107. Innovations in the Study of Residential Segregation
120. Intersections Between Internal and International Migration
122. Economic Change and Migration to and within the United States
130. New Directions in International Migration Research
134. Residential Mobility, Suburbanization, and Exurbanization
139. New Migrants in Europe
151. Mexican Migration to the United States
160. Recent Population Redistribution Trends: U.S. Census 2010
164. International Perspectives on Integration and Assimilation
167. Internal Migration
191. Climate-Related Environmental Events and Population Displacement
204. Neighborhood Effects on Education, Health, and Economic Mobility
211. New Methodological Approaches for Examining Internal Migration
13. Gender, Higher Education, and STEM Fields
33. State and School Policies
42. Conceptualization and Measurement of Poverty
57. Happiness and Economic and Social Well-Being
76. Poverty Measurement: Households and the Lifecourse
84. Happiness in International Perspective
95. Race and Gender Inequality in Economic Outcomes
100. The Great Recession and Intranational and International Inequality
118. Educational Achievement and Attainment
152. Demographic Perspectives on Inequality
163. Human Capital and Reaping the Demographic Dividend in Sub-Saharan Africa
177. Demographic Drivers of Inequality
182. Race Inequality in Wealth
198. Disability and Labor Market Outcomes
200. Education and Social Mobility
14. Population, Health, and the Environment
19. Population Growth and the American Future: 40 Years On
54. Environment, Food, and Health
55. Arab Spring: Socio-Demographic Changes in the Arab World
90. Internal Migration, Emigration, and Social and Economic Change
104. Population, Health, and the Environment: Impacts and Responses
111. Interplay of Demographic Change, Public Policy, and Economic Outcomes in LDCs
148. Population Change and Development in LDCs
156. Methods and Measurement in Population-Development-Environment Research
201. Population Dynamics and Weather Changes: Experiences, Practices, and Implications
18. Social Capital, Aging, and Well-Being
44. Living Arrangements and the Elderly in Developing Countries
58. Cognition and Aging
92. Disease and Aging
124. Consequences of Population Aging on Labor Markets
159. Social Networks, Social Capital, and Aging
172. Economic Growth, Economic Shocks, and the Older Population
210. Aging in Developing Countries
17. Innovations in Measurement and Modeling
34. Formal Demography
53. Innovations in Studying Hard-to-Reach Populations
65. Spatial Demography
83. Spatial and Network Analysis
121. Methodological Innovations in AIDS-Related Research
144. Mathematical Demography
174. Innovations in Data, Methods, and Measurement
7. Committee on Applied Demography (CAD): Applications in Spatial Demography
36. Demographic Issues in Redistricting
40. Evaluation of the Census Bureau's Population Estimates: The 2010 Census Verdict
86. Applying Demography to Business Challenges
94. Future is Now: Realignment of Current Survey Management and Operations at the Census Bureau
136. Evaluating Population Projections
158. Using Data from the American Community Survey