Session 78:
Trends and Trajectories in Health and Disability
Chair: Ellen A. Kramarow, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC
Discussant: Mary Beth Ofstedal, University of Michigan
Pregnancy as a Risk Factor for Ambulatory Limitation in Later Life: Evidence from the Hispanic Established Population for Epidemiological Studies of the Elderly Abigail R. A. Aiken, University of Texas at Austin ; Jacqueline L. Angel, University of Texas at Austin ; Toni Miles, University of Georgia
The Role of Time-Varying Social and Behavioral Risk Factors for Race-Ethnic and Gender Disparities in Hypertension among Young Adults Adrianne Frech, University of Akron
Predictors of Mobility Limitation Recovery among Late Midlife Adults Kenzie Latham, University of Michigan
Early Life Conditions and Later Life (65+) Co-Morbidity Trajectories: The Utah Population Database Linked to Medicare Claims Data Ken R. Smith, University of Utah ; Heidi Hanson, Huntsman Cancer Institute
Other sessions on Health and Mortality