Session 51:
Immigration and Integration in the Workplace and Housing
Chair: Greta Gilbertson, Fordham University
Discussant: Audrey Singer, Brookings Institution
Workplace Concentration of Immigrants Fedrick Andersson, U.S. Department of the Treasury ; Monica Garcia-Perez, St. Cloud State University ; John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland ; Kristen McCue, U.S. Census Bureau ; Seth Sanders, Duke University
New Destination Housing Markets: The Effects of Metropolitan Housing Markets on the Changing Geography of Immigrant Settlement Chris Galvan, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Earnings of Mexican Immigrants: New versus Traditional Destinations Neeraj Kaushal, Columbia University ; Ce Shang, University of Illinois at Chicago
Ethnic Inequality in Homeownership and House Value: An Investigation of Wealth and Assimilation Differences among Blacks in the United States Rebbeca Tesfai, University of Pennsylvania
Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization