Session 167:
Internal Migration
Chair: David L. Brown, Cornell University
Discussant: Joachim Singlemann, Louisiana State University
Relative Deprivation and Internal Migration in the United States: A Comparison of Black and White Men Chenoa A. Flippen, University of Pennsylvania
A Cross-National Comparison of the Spatial Structure of Internal Migration by Level of Educational Attainment Nikola Sander, Wittgenstein Centre (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU) ; Jana Vobecka, Vienna Institute of Demography
Examining the Residential Mobility Patterns of Individuals with a History of Incarceration Cody Warner, Pennsylvania State University
Cohort Effect or Structural Effect: Triple Disadvantages of Young Rural Migrants in Economic Integration into the Host Society in China Juhua Yang, Renmin University of China
Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization