Session 129:
Transitions from Cohabitation to Marriage
Chair: Yuan Cheng, Fudan University
Discussant: Kevin Shafer, Brigham Young University
Debt, Cohabitation, and Marital Timing in Young Adulthood Fenaba Addo, Cornell University
Relationship Transitions among First-Time Cohabitors: Predicting Marriage or Dissolution in a Competing Risks Framework Brett Beattie, Pennsylvania State University
Couple Disagreement in Reporting on Courtship Stages: Implications for Measurement and Marital Outcomes Sarah Halpern-Meekin, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee ; Laura M. Tach, University of Pennsylvania
The Association between Mental Health and Relationship Progression Sara Sandberg-Thoma, Ohio State University ; Claire M. Kamp Dush, Ohio State University
Other sessions on Marriage, Family, Households, and Unions