Session 12:
The Demography of Young Adulthood in the United States
Chair: Rhiannon A. Kroeger, Ohio State University
Discussant: Lloyd D. Grieger, Yale University
Stability and Change in the Transition to Adulthood: A Latent Structure Analysis of Three Generations in the National Longitudinal Surveys Ross Macmillan, Università Bocconi ; Frank Furstenberg, University of Pennsylvania
A Generation Indebted? Young Adult Debt across Three Cohorts Jason N. Houle, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Familial Financial Assistance to Young Adults Patrick Wightman, University of Michigan ; Robert Schoeni, University of Michigan ; Keith D. Robinson, University of Texas at Austin
Living at Home Isn't Just for Losers: How the Great Recession Has Transformed the Life Course for Millennials Maria Kefalas, Saint Joseph's University ; Barbara Ray, MacArthur Foundation Network on the Transition to Adulthood ; Patricia Tevington, University of Pennsylvania ; Patrick Carr, Rutgers University ; Frank Furstenberg, University of Pennsylvania
Other sessions on Children and Youth