Recent Trends and Changes in Mexican Families
Marta Mier y Teran, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
In the last decades, trends in the demographic dynamics, the process of modernization and the slow growth in the economy have enhanced significant changes in the living arrangements of the families. In this paper we aim to provide an overview of recent changes in the household structure and family living arrangements, and to explore the links with the well-being of their members. Mexicans increasingly live in smaller, no nuclear and female headed households. Those headed by females are not economically disadvantaged due to their reduced size, fewer children and the support received from other relatives. As children are one of the most vulnerable sectors to family changes and poverty, a second goal of the paper is to focus on their living arrangements. Most children live with both parents, but growing up without a co-resident father is not uncommon; sole mothers often reside with their parents, mainly when children are young.
Presented in Session 127: Families in U.S. and Mexico: A Comparative Perspective with a Public Policy Approach