Non-Standard Work Schedules and Fertility: A Mixed-Method Couple Analysis
Katia Begall, University of Groningen
Melinda Mills, University of Groningen
This study examined the effect of working at non-standard times on the transition to first and second childbirth. Using quantitative couple data from two waves of The Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (N=742) and semi-structured qualitative interviews (N = 29), we found that there was a lower probability of having a first child when the female partner was engaged in non-standard schedules, whereas a higher likelihood of second childbirth was found for couples where the male partner worked non-standard schedules. In line with expectations about the institutional and normative context of the Netherlands, we concluded that women adjust their work schedules to their fertility plans and that couples had a preference for taking care of their children themselves rather than relying on formal care arrangements and non-standard schedules serve as a means to achieve this.
See paper
Presented in Session 87: Non-Standard Work Schedules and Family