Health Status and Mortality Rates of Adolescents and Young Adults in the Brussels-Capital Region: Differences According to Nationality of Origin and Migration History
Hannelore De Grande, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Hadewijch Vandenheede, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Sylvie Gadeyne, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Patrick Deboosere, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
This poster addresses social inequalities in health and mortality among adolescents and young adults of different nationalities living in the Brussels-Capital Region (BCR). As capital of Europe, it has attracted and still attracts foreigners from everywhere. Especially in younger generations, the percentage of persons of foreign descent has risen. A large share lives in deprived neighbourhoods, have a low socio-economic status, and engage in risk taking behaviour. We found pronounced health disparities but no statistically significant mortality differences between native Belgians, Turks and Maghrebins, the latter having a worse health status than the first. There are however also important differences within nationality groups. Second generation Turks and Maghrebins are worse off than first generation migrants, regarding both health status and mortality. Educational differences are important, but do not explain all the variation. There’s an urgent need to develop health programs with specific attention to the Maghreb and Turkish youngster population.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 4