Friday, May 4 / 12:30 PM - 2:20 PM   •   Plaza Room B

Session 111:
Interplay of Demographic Change, Public Policy, and Economic Outcomes in LDCs

Chair: Bo Malmberg, Stockholm University
Discussant: Isalia Nava-Bolaños, El Colegio de México

  1. Skewed Sex Ratios, Conditional Cash Transfers and Promotion of Girl Children: The Indian ExperienceT.V. Sekher, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  2. The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Child Mortality and Sex Ratios: Evidence from Rural IndiaS Anukriti, Columbia University ; Todd Kumler, Columbia University

  3. The Role of Fertility in Achieving Africa’s Schooling MDGsSarah Giroux, Cornell University

  4. Schooling and Cohort Size: Evidence from Vietnam, Thailand, Iran and CambodiaEvangelos Falaris, University of Delaware ; Thuan Thai, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

Other sessions on Population, Development, and Environment