The Impact That Place of Residence during Childhood and Adolescence Has on Sexual Behavior and Health Attitudes in Adulthood

Ernest Mlenga, Independent Consultant

This paper examines the relationship between past place of residence (urban/rural) and current sexual behavior of urban Malawian men. Data from approximately 1300 men aged 18 to 40 are used in the analysis. Men raised predominantly in rural areas, initiate sex later, but experience higher fertility (2.7 children compared to 2.1). The relationship between sexual behavior practices and the cumulative amount of time lived in an urban area shows that the longer an individual resides in an urban area the more frequently he will use a condom during sex . These results are more pronounced among unmarried men. This suggests that unmarried migrant men adjust their sexual behavior over time but it is a relatively slow adjustment. In a context with high HIV rates (higher in urban areas) and a high urbanization rate it suggests that HIV prevention policies should be targeted to such groups to accelerate condom adoption process.

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Presented in Session 193: Men, Couples, and Contraceptive Use