Suicide and Social Relations: A Cross-National and Longitudinal Analysis

Ning Hsieh, University of Pennsylvania

Suicide is one of the most crucial indicators of mental health and well-being. Not only is it linked to individual psychological distress, but more fundamentally, it is a product of cultural and social contexts. This study investigates the risk factors of suicide from a cross-national and longitudinal perspective. It gives special attention to social relations that are undergoing transformation in recent decades. In particular, the author attempts to answer two questions: (1) What are the relationships between suicide rates and various social relations (such as marriage, the number of children, co-residence with parents, the importance of family and friends, general trust, gender equality, and income equality)? (2) How are the relationships different from country to country, and from region to region? A multilevel mixed-effects model is used for data analysis. Implications of the preliminary findings will be discussed.

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Presented in Poster Session 1