The Spatial Distribution of Floating Population in the Coast of São Paulo, Brazil: A New Approach

Maria do Carmo Bueno, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Alvaro D'Antona, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

The purpose of this study is to estimate the volume and analyze the spatial distribution of the floating population in the coastal area of São Paulo, checking for spatial patterns. The concept of floating population adopted herein refers to the population that remains temporarily at a specific location, usually for recreational reasons. The floating population can be divided into two groups: the first corresponds to the population that stays in lodging establishments and the second corresponds to the population that stays in second homes. The spatial data analysis was performed using spatial statistics tools available in ArcMap (ESRI). The selected tool was Hot Spot Analysis, which allows the identification of areas with event concentration. The results allow the performance of quantitative and qualitative assessments about the seasonal mobility toward the coast of São Paulo, and also open new pathways to explain the occurrence of the spatial distribution pattern found.

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Presented in Session 53: Innovations in Studying Hard-to-Reach Populations