Impact of Fear of Side Effect on Unmet Needs in Latin America: A Heckman Model Approach

James Lachaud, Université de Montréal

Although there is an extensive literature on the unmet need for contraception in developing countries, and there are many policies that aim to addressing this issue, there is limited evidence of the consequences of fear of side effects on unmet needs. This paper first presents a theoretical analysis of the fear of side effects and, secondly, evaluates the impact of this fear on unmet needs for contraception using DHS data from Haiti, Bolivia and Dominican Republic. The analytical approach uses the Heckman methodology, identifies and corrects a significant selection bias in contraceptive use. Results show strong and significant impacts of fear of the side effect on unmet needs in all 3 countries. Finally, evidence suggests that fear of side effects requires attention for reducing unmet needs.

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Presented in Session 93: Obstacles to Contraceptive Use