Effect of Education on Adult Health and Disability in Pakistan: A Provincial Perspective

M. Asif Wazir, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Samir KC, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

The recent evidence shows that strong relationship between formal education and adult health exist, higher level of education is associated with lower level of mortality and disability. This is the first attempt to study relationship of education and adult health in Pakistan at provincial level, using sample data from World health survey. At national level, we find that education is negatively correlated with disability in both younger and older adults. Using the provincial level education-based differentials (multi-state technique), we project the level of disability from 2010- 2060 to estimate the health and human capital benefits obtained from investment in education. By considering the education in the projection, we find that, lower prevalence of disability in future and those scenarios with better education attainment lead to lower prevalence. It is evident that, the projections of adult health have illustrated the importance of including the education/health relationship in any human capital development planning.

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Presented in Session 213: Modelling Health and Disability