Condom Use at Sexual Debut among Chinese Adolescents: Findings from a National Survey

Wei Guo, Peking University
Xiaoying Zheng, Peking University

Chinese youth represent a high-risk group for sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies, but little is understood about their sexual behaviors. Using nationally representative data, this study examines the social and demographic correlates of condom use by Chinese youth at sexual debut. The study also examines the relationship context of condom use at sexual debut. The results indicate that the condom use at sexual debut is very low in China, which confirms that youth are a high-risk group. The results demonstrate that age and educational attainment are the primary indicators of condom use. Early sexual debut associates with a greater risk of unsafe sex at sexual debut and higher educational attainment increases the likelihood of self-protecting behaviors. The likelihood of self-protection also increases when sexual partners plan their sexual debut or discuss contraception beforehand. The conclusions suggest that interventions are needed to provide youth with better knowledge about self-protection.

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Presented in Session 27: Sexual Behavior and STIs