Inter-Spousal Communication and Its Effect on Contraceptive Use Pattern among Rural Women in Bangladesh

S. M. Mostafa Kamal, Islamic University

This study explores the hypothesis that inter-spousal communication on family planning significantly influences the contraceptive use in rural Bangladesh using 2007 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis. The multivariate logistic regression models yielded significantly increased risk of any contraceptive use (OR=8.00, 95% CI=7.15-8.94), traditional (OR=8.77, 95% CI=7.22-10.64) and modern method (OR=7.89, 95% CI=7.03-8.85) use and intention of contraceptive use (OR=7.84, 95% CI=5.41-11.34) in future for husband-wife discussion on family planning. Females’ age at marriage, number of living children, religion and visitations by family planning workers are also important determinants of contraceptive use, method choice and intention of contraceptive use in future. Programs should be undertaken on behalf of the government to involve men in family planning to increase the contraceptive prevalence rate at point that is needed to achieve the replacement level of fertility in Bangladesh.

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Presented in Session 193: Men, Couples, and Contraceptive Use