Influence of the Service Delivery Environment on Family Planning Outcomes in Nigeria

Anastasia J. Gage, Tulane University
Delayo Zomahoun, Tulane University

Using linked data from a 2009 health facility and household survey and multilevel logit models, this paper examined the association of the service delivery environment with contraceptive outcomes in selected local government areas (LGA) of Nigeria. The quality of family planning provider-client interaction in the LGA was positively associated with client satisfaction rates and the odds of lifetime and current use of modern methods, after controlling for other factors. Method choice potential and the use of quality assurance systems in FP health facilities in an LGA were positively associated with knowledge of modern contraception. Residents of LGAs with more comprehensive training for family planning providers were more likely than those from other LGAs to have ever used and to be currently using a modern method. The odds of currently using a modern method were significantly lower in LGAs with a perceived need for FP providers than in other LGAs.

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Presented in Session 113: Reproductive Health Policies and Programs in Africa