Continuity and Change in the Development of Jakarta Metropolitan Area (Jabodetabek): Towards a Post-Suburbanisation

Tommy Firman, Bandung Institute of Technology

Urban development in many Asian countries is characterized by an extensive growth of built-up areas which radiates from city centers in all direction, and extends beyond city and metropolitan boundary. This process is refereed to as the phenomenon of Extended Metropolitan Regions. As Douglass (2000) argues that EMR development in Pacific Asia has resulted in urban spatial restructuring. In contrast to to EMR development in Asia, the recent development of metropolitan areas in the western countries is often associated with the phenomenon of 'Post-Suburbanisation' characterized by chaotic polycentric structures. To some extent this situation has also occured in Asia, notably in China. Against the above background, this proposed paper is aimed to examine the extent to which the 'Post-Suburban' phenomenon has begun to characterize the recent development of EMR Jabodetabek

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Presented in Session 29: Urbanization